This site is developed and maintained by Julian Simpson. Julian’s mission is to help everyone get their code into production as soon as they can. Software is better when it works for us, not when we lose it in the cracks between teams.
Julian has been a:
- Unix Systems Administrator
- Build and release consultant at ThoughtWorks and other companies
- Systems administrator, Puppet coder and operations manager at a startup.
- DevOps Consultant at the Build Doctor Limited
- Many, many things at startups.
Presently he is a Security Consultant at Safe Advisory.
Articles and publications:
- Large Build Teams: help or hindrance?[PDF] Experience report from the Agile 2007 Conference
- Refactoring Ant - essay in the ThoughtWorks Anthology
- Deployment is The Goal - article for InfoQ
- You Could Totally Use A Dependency Manager - CM Crossroads
- 5 ways to improve your dev team velocity - freelance article
- 6 productivity practices for new or old developers - freelance article
Conferences and Talks:
- Has attended every Citcon Europe, and DevopsDays Europe, ever
- Organises the London Continuous Integration meetup
- Agile 2007 - presented experience report above, and co-ran a workshop on Continuos Integration
- XP Days 2007 - presented experience report
- UKUUG Spring conference 2007 - Agile Systems Administration
- QCon London 2009 - Continuous Integration from the Trenches
- LRUG October 2009 - Drunken Build Monkey
- QCon London 2010 - Silos are for Farmers
- UKUUG Spring Conference 2010 - Hudson hit my Puppet with a Cucumber
- Agile Comes To You keynote, 2011
- BCS CMSG Conference - Silos are for Farmers
- Agile 2011 - Continuous Integration - the Minimum Viable Product
- Agile 2011 - Continuous Integration For the World
- Yow! Australia - Adventures in Infrastructure as Code
- 2015 - Surrounded by Graphs