Site improvements

I’ve had a little time to clean up this website. There were a few issues:

  • The site still had stylesheets loading for Bulma, which I stopped using in favour of my own minimal CSS. I also had references to Bulma classes because the stylesheet was still there.
  • I hadn’t set the JEKYLL_ENV environment variable in Vercel, which stopped Google Analytics from loading, but I still had leftover Google Analytics code lying around, and Discuss includes rotting away.
  • There was a bad client side contact form made for for another site in 2017 or sot. It’s replaced with a third party service, but I’m tempted to write something else to accept forms from this site.
  • The one image that loads on the site was slowing down the first render, so I fired up ImageMagick and changed it to a more performant format.
  • I also added compression to make the site load even faster.

Very satisfying to fix tech debt. There’s always tech debt.

DevOps New Zealand