Upcoming Auckland Neo4j Events

So, I return to New Zealand. Spend most of a year hiding in a cabin and then fail to organise any events. And now they’ve all come at once:

  • James Rowlands is doing a talk on Neo4j for Python Devs at the Auckland Python Meetup. Tomorrow, February 19. James organised this, I’m appearing for moral support.
  • Neo Technology is a sponsor for CITCON Auckland 2014, and I’ll be giving away a few paper copies of the Graph Databases book.
  • We’re kicking off the Graph Database Auckland meetup on March 3.
  • The second Graph Database Auckland meetup features our Chief Scientist Jim Webber, on April 3. He’ll be showing off the awesome new features of Neo4j 2.0.
  • Jim is keynoting Codemania the next day. You will laugh. I guarantee it.
DevOps New Zealand