Happy 2014

2013 was busy.  It's hard to work remotely with people who are literally on the other side of the planet.  Remote helps explain why: there's no overlap, apart from what overlap I make myself.

To make things more busy, we ended up buying a new Build Doctor HQ and moving from the country to the suburbs.  Moving from a cabin back to the spare room has it's comforts.  Like plumbing.  There's a lot of work to do on the HQ, but it's nice to have a new long term project.

This blog is a long term project, too.  The last couple of years have seen it slide as I worked on other things and moved country.  It's no longer sponsored, and pursuing sponsorship doesn't work when I haven't been posting.  I almost ported to Ghost, but decided that I'd take the simplest option of moving it to wordpress.com and letting the content speak for itself.

A benefit of the move is saying goodbye to the  www in the blog URL, which fixes a mistake made in 2007.  That and never having to do another plugin update.

Now I just need to find something to write about.

Happy 2014.  Have a happy and productive year, wherever you are.

DevOps New Zealand