XFD 0.2.18 Release

We're happy to announce the release of XFD 0.2.18! As well as improving our own tests and code quality, we added some of your requested features. These include:

Gravatar support

Broken builds now show the gravatar of user that broke the build. This is found by matching the user's email against the gravatar online image service. Your version control system will need to supply the email address.


You can now filter through the list of builds to only show those thatyou require. This is just currently just a plain text matcher, but we'll work on regex support if there's enough interest for it.


One of the most requested features. Many of our users are using HTTPS to keep their transmissions of passwords secure and nowthey can gain all of the benefits of XFD without requiring aninfrastructure change!

As always, the new release can be found here: http://xfd.build-doctor.com/

DevOps New Zealand