Vendor news, February 2

I haven't worked this hard in years. Sorry for the delay in posting anything.

  • Accurev just attempted to make a corporate version of git. I think most of the enhancements that they've added will horrify the typical git user, but that's not to say that development managers won't buy it by the bucketload to stop their devs moaning about Subversion. [link]
  • ThoughtWorks released a new version of Mingle that makes a Kanban board. [link]
  • UrbanCode [warning, they sponsor this blog] added a thoughtful feature to their tools: disabling Nagios checks while you deploy [link]
  • DevOpsDays Austin is selling out fast. April 2 and 3. [link]
  • Sonatype are announcing Nexus 2 features later this month. I'll report back.

Update: Wolfplusplus pointed out that Fog Creek's Kiln seems to be the same trick as Kando, but for Mercurial. I think the Accurev version plays more to the suits, though.

DevOps New Zealand